
Ensuring the authenticity and integrity of correspondence is more critical than ever. Digital signatures play a vital role in enhancing security and trust in correspondence management by providing a secure method for verifying the origin and content of electronic documents. In this article, we look into the mechanisms of digital signatures, what differentiates them from electronic signatures, their benefits, and their applications in correspondence management.

Why Physical Signatures Have Been Used In Business And Government Services For So Long

For centuries, physical signatures have been the cornerstone of business and government services, serving as a means of authenticating documents and verifying the identity of signatories. These signatures have been trusted for their simplicity and the personal accountability they enforce. The sign-off process within organizations also creates a sense that work is ‘approved’ and that the next step in a workflow can proceed.

However, as most of us have experienced in our personal lives, a signature can be forged and is not 100% proof of authenticity. In business too, a system that relies on physical signatures can cause big bottlenecks when paperwork piles up in an executive’s in-tray when they are away from their desk or too busy to attend to each piece of correspondence.

In an environment where digitization and security concerns are the norm in organizations, the limitations and vulnerabilities of physical signatures are becoming increasingly apparent.

The Challenges Of A System Relying On Physical Signatures

Relying on physical signatures poses several significant challenges:

  • Delays when required signatories are unavailable: The need for physical presence to sign documents can lead to delays, particularly when key signatories are unavailable. This can lead to work grinding to a halt because there is no authorization to proceed with a specified course of action.
  • Deniability and fraud: Physical signatures can be forged, and it can be difficult to prove their authenticity beyond doubt. In large bureaucratic organizations, signatories can forget or rush signatures due to the sheer volume of documents that cross their desks.
  • Inherent lack of security: Paper documents can be lost, stolen, or tampered with, undermining the integrity of the correspondence.

Digital Signatures Vs Electronic Signatures

NVSSoft’s Tarasol and ArcMate solutions offer both digital and electronic signatures, each serving important use cases. Digital signatures are cryptographic mechanisms that verify the authenticity and integrity of digital documents, ensuring the signature is unique and tamper-evident. electronic signatures, on the other hand, in the context of NVSSoft products are scanned handwritten signatures or initials that can be attached to electronic files to indicate sign-off or approval of specific documents or workflows. While electronic signatures are valued for their convenience and speed, particularly in online agreements, their security measures are generally less stringent than those of digital signatures. Both types of signatures play essential roles within NVSSoft’s suite of products, balancing requirements in different contexts for speed and security.

How Digital Signatures Work

Key Pair Generation

At the core of a digital signature is PKI (Public Key Infrastructure) technology containing a pair of cryptographic keys: a private key and a public key. Both are issued by a trusted certificate authority that uniquely identifies the signing party. The private key creates the digital signature, whereas the public key can be used by anybody for verification. Only the private key holder can generate a legitimate digital signature.

Signing Process

When a document is signed, the private key generates a unique digital signature based on the document’s content. This signature is then attached to the document.

Verification Process

The recipient uses the signer’s public key to verify the signature. If the document has been altered in any way, the verification will fail, ensuring the document’s integrity.

Benefits Of Digital Signatures


Digital signatures provide a very high level of security and trust by using cryptographic algorithms to protect the integrity and authenticity of the signed document. These algorithms make it nearly impossible for unauthorized parties to alter the document without detection.


Adding a digital signature streamlines processes by enabling fast, paperless transactions. This reduces the time taken to send, sign, and return documents and cuts down on administrative overhead associated with managing physical paperwork. For organizations, this means faster decision-making, quicker turnaround times, and enhanced productivity, especially when dealing with remote teams or clients across different geographical locations. For government services, this translates into important public services being delivered faster to where they are needed and cutting down on bureaucracy.


Digital signatures help organizations comply with legal and regulatory requirements, such as the eIDAS regulation in the EU and the ESIGN Act in the US. These laws recognize the legal validity of electronic signatures, ensuring that digitally signed documents are admissible in court. By adhering to these regulations, organizations can avoid legal pitfalls and ensure their digital transactions are enforceable and binding.


They provide proof of the signer’s identity and intent, preventing the signer from denying the validity of the signed document. This aspect of non-repudiation is crucial in legal and business contexts, where the ability to prove who signed a document and that it was done willingly and knowingly can be vital. Digital signatures create an audit trail, offering detailed records of when and how the document was signed, which can be invaluable for dispute resolution and compliance audits.

The Applications of Digital Signatures in Correspondence Management

Contract Management

Digital signatures are widely used in signing contracts and agreements, ensuring that all parties can trust the authenticity of the documents. In NVSSoft’s Tarasol solution, users can also electronically initial drafts of contracts or other documents to indicate they have read, approved, or made alterations.

Internal and External Communications

Organizations use digital signatures to secure internal communications, such as memos, policies, and procedures, ensuring unauthorized people have not altered them.

User Correspondence

In the context of government services and private companies alike, digital signatures serve to enhance the security and prove the authenticity of user-facing documents, such as invoices, statements, and official notices, building trust and confidence in the minds of the users, whether that’s an individual or a business.

Using Digital Signatures in Tarasol

Digital signatures are indispensable for modern correspondence management, offering unparalleled security, efficiency, and compliance. By implementing digital signatures such as those available in NVSSoft’s ArcMate and Tarasol products, organizations can protect their communications, streamline operations, and build trust with stakeholders.

Within NVSSoft’s Tarasol product users can choose to stamp, sign, or initial documents, depending on the context, the type of document concerned, and the level of oversight and authentication required.

Contact NVSSoft today to learn how Tarasol can improve the security and trust of your digital communications with digital signatures.